Cinco lobitos

< Five Wolf Cubs

Cinco lobitos
Tiene la loba,
Cinco lobitos,
Detrás de la escoba.
Cinco parió,
Cinco críó,
Y a los cinco,
Tetita les dió.

Los niños están sentados en semicírculo mirando al educador y con las manos a la altura del pecho. Giran las muñecas mientras cantan esta canción:

Cinco lobitos
Tiene la loba,
Blancos y negros
Detrás de la escoba,
Cinco tenía,
Cinco criaba,
Y a todos los cinco
Tetita les daba.

Five small wolf-cubs
Had a mother-wolf
Five small wolf-cubs
Behind the broom
She boar five
She raised all five
And all the five
She nursed with love

Toddlers are seated in a semicircle facing the teacher with hands chest high. Rotate wrists while singing the song:

Five small wolf-cubs
Had a mother-wolf
Black and white cubs
Behind the broom
She boar five
She raised all five
And all the five
She kept alive