
< Katyusha

Fischia il vento, infuria (urla) la bufera scarpe rotte, eppur bisogna andar (agir)
a conquistare la rossa (nostra) primavera dove sorge il sol dell'avvenir. (x2)

Ogni contrada è patria del ribelle ogni donna a lui dona un sospir
nella notte lo guidano le stelle forte il cuor e il braccio nel colpir. (x2)

Se ci coglie la crudele morte dura vendetta sarà del partigian
ormai sicura (sarà) (è) (è già) la dura (triste) sorte del fascista vile traditor. (x2)

Cessa il vento, calma è la bufera torna a casa il fiero partigian
sventolando la rossa sua bandiera vittoriosi al fin liberi siam. (x2)

Apple trees and pear trees were a flower,
River mist was rising all around.
Young Katusha went strolling by the hour
On the steep banks,
O'er the rocky ground.

By the river's bank she sang a love song
Of her hero in a distant land.
Of the one she'd dearly loved for so long,
Holding tight his letters in her hand.

Oh, my song, song of a maiden's true love,
To my dear one travel with the sun.
To the one with whom Katusha knew love,
Bring my greetings to him, one by one.

Let him know that I am true and faithful,
Let him hear the love song that I send.
Tell him as he defends our home that grateful,
True Katusha our love will defend.