
There once was an old man and an old woman and they lived in a village. The old man asked his wife:
- "Bake me, old woman, a kolobok."
- "What can I make it from? We have no flower!"
- "Eh, old woman! Scrape the flour-tin, sweep the corn bin and may find a bit of flower!"

The old woman scraped in the flour-tin, swept in the corn bin, found a bit of flower, mixed it up with some sour cream, kneaded the dough, rolled the kolobok with a rolling pin, baked it in the stove in a frying pan with some butter and put it on the window sill to cool down.

Kolobok laid there for a while and became bored, so he rolled out. He rolled from the sill to the grass, from the grass to the footpath and further down the path, further and further he went.

The kolobok rolls down the road and he meets a hare:
- "Kolobok, kolobok, I'll eat you now!"
- "Don't eat me, squint-eyed hare, I'll sing you a song:"
"I'm kolobok, kolobok!"
"I was scraped up from the flour-tin."
"I was swept up from the corn-bin."
"I was mixed up with the sour cream."
"I was rolled up with a rolling pin."
"I was baked in a frying pan."
"I was fried in butter untill done."
"I was left upon the window sill untill cooled!"
"I ran away from my granddad."
"I ran away from my grandma."
"And, hare, it is not tricky to run away from you!"... and off he rolls.

The kolobok rolls down the road and he meets a grey wolf:
- "Kolobok, kolobok, I'll eat you now!"
- "Don't eat me, grey wolf, I'll sing you a song:"
"I'm kolobok, kolobok!"
"I was scraped up from the flour-tin."
"I was swept up from the corn-bin."
"I was mixed up with the sour cream."
"I was rolled up with a rolling pin."
"I was baked in a frying pan."
"I was fried in butter untill done."
"I was left upon the window sill untill cooled!"
"I ran away from my granddad."
"I ran away from my grandma."
"I ran away from hare."
"And, grey wolf, it is not tricky to run away from you!"... and off he rolls."

The kolobok rolls down the road and he meets a bear:
- "Kolobok, kolobok, I'll eat you now!"
- "Don't eat me, grey wolf. I'll sing you a song:"
"I'm kolobok, kolobok!"
"I was scraped up from the flour-tin."
"I was swept up from the corn-bin."
"I was mixed up with the sour cream."
"I was rolled up with a rolling pin."
"I was baked in a frying pan."
"I was fried in butter untill done."
"I was left upon the window sill untill cooled!"
"I ran away from my granddad."
"I ran away from my grandma."
"I ran away from hare."
"I ran away from grey wolf."
"And, bear, it is not tricky to run away from you!"... and off he rolls.

The kolobok rolls down the road and he meets a fox:
- "Hello! Kolobok, kolobok, where are you going?"
- "I'm just rolling along the road."
- "You are so good looking and your face is so fresh!"

Kolobok was so delighted with this praise that he began to sing his song:
"I'm kolobok, kolobok!"
"I was scraped up from the flour-tin."
"I was swept up from the corn-bin."
"I was mixed up with the sour cream."
"I was rolled up with a rolling pin."
"I was baked in a frying pan."
"I was fried in butter untill done."
"I was left upon the window sill untill cooled!"
"I ran away from my granddad."
"I ran away from my grandma."
"I ran away from hare."
"I ran away from grey wolf."
"I ran away from bear."
"And, fox, it is not tricky to run away from you!"

- "Nice song, - said the fox - "But I have become old and hard of hearing."
"Could you be so kind as to sit on my nose
and sing your song when we are close?"

Kolobok was very glad that the fox loved his song,
so he hopped on the fox's nose
and began to sing when they are close:
- "I'm kolobok, kolobok!..."

But the fox said:
- "I still can't hear!"
"Could you be so kind as to sit on my tongue
and just one more time sing your lovely song?"

Kolobok was very excited, he wanted the fox to hear his song,
so he hopped on the fox's tongue
and began to sing again his very long song:
- "I'm ko..."

Snap! The fox swallowed him up!

Жил-был старик со старухой. Просит старик:
- Испеки, старуха, колобок.
- Из чего испечь-то? Муки нету.
- Э-эх, старуха! По коробу поскреби, по сусеку помети. Авось и наберёшь немножко!

Взяла старуха крылышко, по коробу поскребла, по сусеку помела, и набрала муки пригоршни с две. Испекла старуха колобок и положила на окошко студить. Колобок полежал-полежал, да вдруг и покатился - с окна на лавку, с лавки на пол, по полу да к дверям, перепрыгнул через порог в сени, из сеней на крыльцо, с крыльца на двор, со двора за ворота, покатился по дороге.

Катится колобок по дороге, а навстречу ему заяц:
- Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем.
- Не ешь меня, косой зайчик! Я тебе песенку спою, - и запел, -
Я колобок, колобок,
Я по коробу скребён,
По сусеку метён,
На сметане мешон,
На масле пряжон.
На окошке стужон;
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
А от тебя, зайца, не хитро уйти!

И покатился дальше; только заяц его и видел!.. Катится колобок, а навстречу ему волк:
- Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем!
- Не ешь меня, серый волк! Я тебе песенку спою! - Я колобок, колобок,
Я по коробу скребён,
По сусеку метён,
На сметане мешон,
На масле пряжон.
На окошке стужон;
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл,
От тебя, волка, не хитро уйти!

И покатился дальше; только волк его и видел!.. Катится колобок, а навстречу ему медведь:
- Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем.
- Где тебе, косолапому, съесть меня! - Я - колобок, колобок,
Я по коробу скребён,
По сусеку метён,
На сметане мешон,
На масле пряжон.
На окошке стужон;
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл,
Я от волка ушёл,
У тебя, медведь, не хитро уйти!

И опять покатился колобок; только медведь его и видел!.. Катится колобок, а навстречу ему лиса:
- Здравствуй, колобок! Какой ты хорошенький. - А колобок запел:
- Я колобок, колобок,
Я по коробу скребён,
По сусеку метён,
На сметане мешон,
На масле пряжон.
На окошке стужон;
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл,
Я от волка ушёл,
От медведя ушёл,
А от тебя, лиса, и подавно уйду!

- Какая славная песенка! - сказала лиса.
- Только я, колобок, стара стала, плохо слышу; сядь-ка на носок да пропой ещё разок погромче.
Колобок вскочил лисе на носок и запел ту же песню.
- Спасибо, колобок! Славная песенка, ещё раз бы послушала! Сядь-ка на мой язычок да пропой в последний разок, - сказала лиса и высунула свой язык. Колобок сдуру прыг ей на язык, а лиса - ам! и и съела.