Pin Pon

Pin pon is a very handsome doll
He's made from cardboard,
he washes his face
with water and soap

Hair is untangled
with ivory comb,
and although it stretches
He doesn't cry or do anything like that.

When they give him the soup
does not dirty the apron
so eat carefully
looks like a schoolboy

Just the stars
they start dating
Pin Pon goes to bed
And goes to bed

Pin Pon give me your hand
with a strong squeeze,
Well I want to be your friend
Pin Pon Pin Pon Pin Pon

  1. Pretend to wash your face with your hand
  2. Pretend to comb your hair
  3. Rub your eyes as if you were crying
  4. Pretend to eat soup with your hand
  5. With both hands act as if they were shining stars
  6. Pretend to go to sleep
  7. Shake your child's hand

Pin Pon es un muñeco
muy guapo de cartón,
se lava su carita
con agua y con jabón

Se desenreda el pelo
con peine de marfil,
y aunque se da estirones
no llora ni hace así.

Cuando le dan la sopa
no ensucia el delantal
pues come con cuidado
parece un colegial

Apenas las estrellas
comienzan a salir
Pin Pon se va a la cama
y se acuesta a dormir

Pin Pon dame la mano
con un fuerte apretón,
pues quiero ser tu amigo
Pin Pon Pin Pon Pin Pon

  1. Pretenda lavarse la cara con la mano
  2. Pretenda peinarse el pelo
  3. Frótese los ojos como si estuviera llorando
  4. Pretenda comer sopa con la mano
  5. Con las dos manos haga como si fueran estrellas brillando
  6. Haga como si se fuera a dormir
  7. Déle la mano a su niño/niña