Quels sons font les animaux?
< What do the animals say
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- De quel continent s'agit-il? ≅ Which continent is it
- Quels sons font les animaux? ≅ What do the animals say
Le chat fait: "Miaou-miaou".
Le mouton fait: "Bê-bê".
Le cheval fait: "Hiiii".
Le chien fait: "Wouf-wouf".
Le moineau fait: "Cui-cui".
Le coq fait: "Cocorico".
La poule fait: "Cot-cot".
L'oie fait: "Coin-coin".
Le dindon fait: "Glou-glou".
La chèvre fait: "Mê-mê".
La vache fait: "Meuh-meuh".
L'âne fait: "Hi-han".
Le cochon fait: "Groin-groin".
La souris fait: "Couic-couic".
Le coucou fait: "Coucou".
Le loup fait: "Ooouh".
La grenouille fait: "Coââ-coââ".
Le canard fait: "Coin-coin
Le corbeau fait: "Croâ-croâ".
The cat says: "Meow-meow".
The sheep says: "Baa-baa".
The horse says: "Neigh-neigh".
The dog says: "Woof-woof".
The sparrow says: "Cheep-cheep".
The rooster says: "Cock-a-doodle-doo".
The hen says: "Cluck-cluck".
The goose says: "Hhonk-honk".
The turkey says: "Gobble-gobble".
The goat says: "Maa-maa".
The cow says: "Moo-moo".
The donkey says: "Hee-haw".
The pig says: "Oink-oink".
The mouse says: "Squeak-squeak".
The cuckoo says: "Cuckoo".
The wolf says: "Owooooo".
The frog says: "Ribbit-ribbit".
The duck says: "Quack-quack".
The crow says: "Caw-caw".