¿Qué letra es?

< What letter is it 1

WikiTranslate lección de español - "¿Qué letra es?" Profesora: Isabel Fernández.

teacher, pupil, child, father, mother
This is mother. This is letter "m". This is letter "o". This is letter "t". This is letter "h". This is letter "e". This is letter "r". This word is "mother".

Is this a mother? No, this is not a mother, this is a father. This is a father. This word is "father". This is letter "f". This is letter "а". This is letter "t". This is letter "h". This is letter "e". This is letter "r". This word is "father".

This is letter "s". This is letter "t". This is letter "o". This is letter "r". This is letter "k". This word is "stork". It is a stork. It is a stork with a child.

This is letter "c". This is letter "h". This is letter "i". This is letter "l". This is letter "d". This word is "child".

- What word is this?
- This word is "stork".

- What word is this?
- This word is "child".

- What word is this?
- This word is "mother".

- What word is this?
- This word is "father".

- Is this letter "f" or "m"? What letter is this?
- This letter is ...

- Is this letter "f" or "m"? What letter is this?
- This letter is ...

- What letter is this?
- This letter is ...

- What letter is this?
- This letter is ...


- Well done! Yes! This letter is ... "w", this is "e", this is "l", this is also "l", this is "d", this is "o", this is "n", this is "e". These words are "well done". Well done?
- Well done!

- I am - Isabel Fernández. I am a teacher. Am I a good teacher?
- Yes, I am! I am a good teacher! Very good! I am good.

- This is a lesson. This is an English lesson. Is this a good lesson?
- Yes, it is! This is a good lesson! It is good!

- You are a student. What student are you? Are you a good student?
- Yes, you are! You are a good student! You are very-very-very GOOD!

Good! Well done! End of the lesson! Goodbye!

WikiTranslate English lesson - "What letter is it?" Teacher - Masha Anning.

teacher, pupil, child, father, mother

"Mother". This is mother. This is letter "m". This is letter "o". This is letter "t". This is letter "h". This is letter "e". This is letter "r". This word is "mother".

Is this a mother? No, this is not a mother, this is a father. This is a father. This word is "father". This is letter "f". This is letter "а". This is letter "t". This is letter "h". This is letter "e". This is letter "r". This word is "father".

This is letter "s". This is letter "t". This is letter "o". This is letter "r". This is letter "k". This word is "stork". It is a stork. It is a stork with a child.

This is letter "c". This is letter "h". This is letter "i". This is letter "l". This is letter "d". This word is "child".

- What word is this?
- This word is "stork".

- What word is this?
- This word is "child".

- What word is this?
- This word is "mother".

- What word is this?
- This word is "father".

- Is this letter "f" or "m"? What letter is this?
- This letter is ...

- Is this letter "f" or "m"? What letter is this?
- This letter is ...

- What letter is this?
- This letter is ...

- What letter is this?
- This letter is ...


- Well done! Yes! This letter is ... "w", this is "e", this is "l", this is also "l", this is "d", this is "o", this is "n", this is "e". These words are "well done". Well done?
- Well done!

- I am - Masha Anning. I am a teacher. Am I a good teacher?
- Yes, I am! I am a good teacher! Very good! I am good.

- This is a lesson. This is an English lesson. Is this a good lesson?
- Yes, it is! This is a good lesson! It is good!

- You are a student. What student are you? Are you a good student?
- Yes, you are! You are a good student! You are very-very-very GOOD!

Good! Well done! End of the lesson! Goodbye!

Compruebe usted mismo[edit]

1 Isabel Fernández is a/an _______ teacher.


2 You are a/an _______ student.

very good

3 This is a _______. Baby.jpg


4 Is a child old?

Not very old.
Very old.