
< Which continent is it

这是一个地图。这是一个世界地图。这些是陆洲。它们是哪几个陆洲呢? 欧洲、亚洲、非洲、澳洲、北美洲、南美洲和南极洲。









-呀! 这是亚洲?








-这个呢? 它是哪个陆洲?

-这个呢? 它是哪个陆洲?




-这个呢? 它是哪个陆洲?

-这个呢? 这是哪个陆洲?


看一下那个地图! 它们是哪几个陆洲? 它们是欧洲、亚洲、非洲、澳洲、北美洲、南美洲和南极洲。

WikiTranslate English lesson: "Which continent is it?" Teacher: Richard Brown.
This is a map. This is a map of the world. These are continents. Which continents are they? - Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North America, South America and Antarctica.
Is this Europe? - Yes, it is Europe.
Is this Australia? - Yes, it is Australia.
Is this Antarctica? - Yes, it's Antarctica.
Is this Africa? - Yes, it's Africa.
Is it Europe? - No, it is not Europe.
Is it Australia? - No, it is not Australia.
Is it America? - No, it isn't America.
Is it Antarctica? - No, it isn't Antarctica.
Ah! This is Asia? - Yes, it's Asia.
Is it Africa? - No, it isn't Africa.
Is it America? - No, it isn't America.
Is it Antarctica? - No, it isn't Antarctica.
Is it Australia? - No, it isn't Australia.
Which continent is it? - It's Europe.
Which continent is it? - It's Africa.
Which continent is it? - It's Antarctica.
Which continent is it? - It's Australia.
And this? Which continent is it? - This is Europe.
And this? Which continent is it? - This is America.
Is this South America? - No, this isn't South America.
Which part of America is it? - North.
Which continent is it? - It's North America.
And this? - This is South America.
And this? Which continent is it? - This is Asia.
And this? Which continent is it? - This is Antarctica.
And this? - Europe.
And this? - Australia.

1 This is _______ . 100px


2 This is _______ America. 100px


3 Which continent is it? 100px
