Che cosa è WikiTranslate?
< About WikiTranslate(Redirected from WikiTranslate:About/Italian)
+ Lang-L-A-S-V-Sg-G · Poems-R-NR-CR-GG · Songs-FS-KS · Stories-SF-FT-J-KT · Idioms · Proverbs · TTwisters · Parables · Prayers |
- Che cosa è WikiTranslate? ≅ What is WikiTranslate?
- Come si scrive una parola? ≅ How to spell a word
WikiTranslate è un enciclopedia di traduzione multilingue liberamente consultabile di traduzione sul Web che ti aiuta ad imapare una nuova lingua e ad insegnare la tua through our lessons, videos and free study groups. We also help you to sviluppare le loro capacità di traduzione. Possono contribuire traducendo le loro canzoni preferite, fiabe, libri per bambini, preghiere, ecc, che non sono protette da alcun copyright, o materiale inserito dagli stessi titolari del copyright.
Perché è necessario WikiTranslate?
Gli studenti che sono nativi nella lingua del testo originale presente nel sito, possono lavorare e collaborare in modo efficace con gli studenti madrelingua di quella d'arrivo. This way, they can help themselves improve their knowledge of each others' languages. Incoraggiamo tutti gli studenti ad usare i tools per la traduzione, ma soprattutto sono incoraggiati a collaborare ed aiutarsi a vicenda in our study groups.
È WikiTranslate come Wikipedia?
WikiTranslate è basato su internet e su contenuti aperti e modificabili simili a quelli di Wikipedia and uses Mediawiki software as Wikipedia does. You can edit WikiTranslate much the same as Wikipedia.
- We try our best to learn from Wikipedia and join it for meetups so we can learn from experienced Wikipedia editors.
- WikiTranslate uses Extension:Semantic MediaWiki for managing structured data.
- Everyone can read our pages, but we ask you to tell us who you are if you want to edit pages, have lessons with a teacher or exchange your language with a native speaker of another language. We believe that learning a new language is a very personal experience. The students need to know each other and the teachers.
WikiTranslate rules
WikiTranslate is a safe family site. Children can absorb new languages well and WikiTranslate aims to help them. Post or email us if you believe a page does not meet these requirements so we can delete it.
Anche i bambini possono imparare nuove lingue e uno degli scopi di WikiTranslate è quello di aiutarli. WikiTranslate è un sito sicuro per tutta la famiglia, ed è adatto per bambini anche molto piccoli. Se pensi che una delle pagine del sito non soddisfi questi requisiti, clicca su Post or email to us così questa verrà eliminata.
- No religion. You can add and translate a prayer, but you can't preach.
- No politics. If you want to write about politics and/or religion, learn a new language first and then start editing Wikipedia.
- No swearing. No swear words in your Facebook name. We don't teach those words.
- No pictures that will offend anyone. No images of Mohammed, of wars, etc. One doesn't learn a new language when they are hurt.
- No half naked bodies on your Facebook profile or on your skype. Our groups are for language learning and for exchanging languages. Please dress up!
Beware the dangers of Internet!
WikiTranslate is a free content encyclopedia translation project, that can help you to learn new language and teach your language through our lessons, videos and free study groups. We also help you to develop your translation skills. You can contribute freely to translations of your favourite songs, poems, fairy-tales, stories, jokes, prayers etc, which are not protected by copyright or have been submitted to us by their copyright holders.
Why is WikiTranslate needed?
The students who are native in the source language of the text, can discuss the translations with students who are native in the target language of the text. This way, they can help themselves improve their knowledge of each others' languages. All students are encouraged to use translation tools but most of all they are encouraged to seek help from each other in our study groups.
Is WikiTranslate like Wikipedia?
- WikiTranslate is based on an openly-editable model similar to Wikipedia and uses Mediawiki software as Wikipedia does. You can edit WikiTranslate much the same way as Wikipedia.
- We try our best to learn from Wikipedia and join them for meetups so we can learn from experienced Wikipedia editors.
- WikiTranslate uses Extension:Semantic MediaWiki for managing structured data.
- Everyone can read our pages, but we ask you to tell us who you are if you want to edit pages, have lessons with a teacher or exchange your language with a native speaker of another language. We believe that learning a new language is a very personal experience. The students need to know each other and the teachers.
WikiTranslate rules
WikiTranslate is a safe family site. Children can absorb new languages well and WikiTranslate aims to help them. Post or email us if you believe a page does not meet these requirements so we can delete it.
- No religion. You can add and translate a prayer, but you can't preach.
- No politics. If you want to write about politics and/or religion, learn a new language first and then start editing Wikipedia.
- No swearing. No swear words in your Facebook name. We don't teach those words.
- No pictures that will offend anyone. No images of Mohammed, of wars, etc. It's difficult to learn a new language when you're hurt and offended.
- No half naked bodies on your Facebook profile or on your skype. Our groups are for language learning and for exchanging languages. Please dress up!
Beware the dangers of Internet!