Старые названия русских букв

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The Glagolitic alphabet is the oldest known Slavic alphabet from the 9th century. The creation of the characters is attributed to Saints Cyril and Methodius, who may have created them in order to facilitate the introduction of Christianity. It is believed that the original letters have been fitted to the original Macedonian Slavic. Saints Cyril and Methodius were two brothers born in Thessaloniki. Cyrillic alphabet and Old Church Slavinic was formalized either by them or by their disciples. The liturgical language of the Russian Orthodox Church is Church Slavonic. Bulgarian, Serbian and some other Slavic Orthodox Churches use Church Slavonic as well.

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Old Church Slavonic alphabet[edit]

азъ, буки, вѣди, глаголь, добро, есть, живѣте, село, земля, иже, како, люди, мыслѣте, нашъ, онъ, покой, рцы, слово, твердо, икъ, фертъ, хѣръ, отъ, цы, червь, ша, ща, еръ, еры, ерь, ять, юсъ, кси, пси, ѳита, ижица

Old Russian study book[edit]

ангел ↔ angel
ангельский ↔ angelic
архангел ↔ archangel
архангельский ↔ archangelic
апостол ↔ apostle
апостольский ↔ apostolic

Бог ↔ God
Божество ↔ Godhead
Богородица ↔ Mother of God
блажен ↔ blessed
благословлять ↔ consecrate
благословение ↔ blessing
благодатный ↔ beatific

Владыка ↔ Lordship
Владычица ↔ Our Lady
владычество ↔ Sovereignty
Воскресенье ↔ Resurrection (Sunday)

Господь ↔ Lord God
господство ↔ rule
государ ↔ state official
господин ↔ sir
госпожа ↔ lad

Дух ↔ Spirit
духовный ↔ spiritual
Давид ↔ David
девица ↔ virgin
девство ↔ virginity
душа ↔ Soul
день ↔ day

естество ↔ Substance-essence
Евангелия ↔ Gospel
евангелист ↔ evangelist
епископ ↔ bishop
епископство ↔ episcopate

Израиль ↔ Israel
Израильский ↔ Israelite
Исус ↔ Isous
Иерусалим ↔ Jerusalem

Крест ↔ Cross
крещение ↔ Baptism
Креститель ↔ Baptizer

Любомудрый ↔ Lover of Wisdom
людской ↔ human

Мудрый ↔ Wise
мудрость ↔ wisdom
милость ↔ mercy-grace
милосердие ↔ compassion
милостыня ↔ alms-charity
молитва ↔ prayer
мать ↔ mother
Мария ↔ Mary
ученик ↔ martyr
месяц ↔ month
младенец ↔ infant

Небо ↔ heaven-sky
небесный ↔ heavenly
наш ↔ our
ныне ↔ now today

Отец ↔ father
отечество ↔ fatherland
отеческий ↔ fatherly

Премудрость ↔ All-wise
престол ↔ throne-altar
преподобный ↔ reverend
праведный ↔ righteous-just
пророк ↔ prophet
предтеча ↔ forerunner

Рождество ↔ Christmas-nativity
рождественский ↔ of Christmas

Свят ↔ Holy
священник ↔ priest
солнце ↔ sun
сердце ↔ heart
страсть ↔ passion
смерть ↔ death
слава ↔ praise
свет ↔ light-lamp

Троица ↔ Trinity
трест ↔ trust
thrice blessed
thrice holy

Учитель ↔ Teacher
ученик ↔ student
ученица ↔ school-girls
учёный ↔ scholarly.

Христос ↔ Christ
Христов ↔ of Christ
Христианин ↔ Christian

Царь ↔ King
Царица ↔ Queen
Церковь ↔ Church
Царство ↔ Kingdom
царский ↔ kingly

Человек ↔ Man-person
человечество ↔ humanity
человеческий ↔ human
честь ↔ honor
честный ↔ honest

Old Russian letters page 1.png

Old Russian letters page 2.png

Old Russian letters page 3.png

The name "Adelfotis" in Greek means "Brotherhood." This is a grammar textbook of the Greek and Slavic languages, compiled for the fraternal school by the archbishop-Greek Arseniy Elassonsky who arrived in Lviv in 1586; his coat of arms is printed on the last page of the book.
- https://photos.app.goo.gl/HGEJpWDYQVpazjKJ7 (Адельфотес. Грамматіка доброглаголиваго еллинословенскаго языка. Совершеннаго искуства осми частей слова.Ко наказанїю многоименитому Россійскому роду.Во Лвове. В друкарни братской року 1591)

Adelfotis became one of the first two books published by the Orthodox Assumption Stavropegic Brotherhood of Lviv in early 1591 (the other book is Prosphonima). Read this article by Waldemar Deluga about how and why the first Russian grammar was written: Greek Patronage of the Arts in Lviv in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, in: Economy and Society in Central and Eastern Europe. Territory, Population, Consumption, ed. D. Dumitran and V. Moga, Berlin, Zürich 2013, pp. 289- 302 - https://ostrava.academia.edu/WaldemarDeluga - Please write and thank Waldemar Deluga for his work!

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