
< Parable - A Sparrow
  • 麻雀 ≅ Parable - A Sparrow

- 那是甚麼?
- 麻雀
- 那是甚麼?
- I just told you father, it's a sparrow.
- 那是甚麼?
- A sparrow father, a sparrow… s-p-a-r-r-o-w…
- Why are you doing this father? How many times I told you it's a sparrow!
- Read out loud…
- 『幾天前小兒子跟我在公園,他問了我21次"那是甚麼?", 我回答了21次"麻雀", 每一次都是緊抱著他,慈愛的回答我那純真的小孩』

- What is that?
- A sparrow.
- What is that?
- I just told you father, it's a sparrow.
- What is that?
- A sparrow father, a sparrow… s-p-a-r-r-o-w…
- What is that?
- Why are you doing this? How many times have I told you it's a sparrow!
- Can't you get it!
- Aloud…
- “Today my youngest son, who a few days ago turned three, was sitting with me in the park when a sparrow sat in front of us. My son asked me 21 times what it was and I answered all 21 times that it was... a sparrow. I hugged him every single time he asked me the same question again and again without getting mad, feeling affection for my innocent little boy”.