Банан жёлтый
< RP - The banana is yellow
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- The apple is in the box ≅ RP - The apple is in the box, Jabłko jest w pudełku
- Банан жёлтый ≅ RP - The banana is yellow
- Сейчас стрелка показывает вверх ≅ RP - Now the arrow is pointing up
- Стакан полный ≅ RP - The glass is full
- Эта книга большая ≅ RP - This book is big
- Эти страницы в середине книги ≅ RP - There are pages in the middle of the book
- Яблоко круглое ≅ RP - The apple is round
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- Are these two apples and a banana?
- Yes, two apples and a banana. These are two apples and a banana. They are on the table. On the table.
- Is the fruit on the table?
- Yes, the fruit is on the table. Two apples and a banana are on the table. This is a banana, and these two are apples. They are on the table. The banana is yellow. Yellow. A banana is yellow and the paper is yellow too. This is paper. It is yellow. A banana is yellow. It is yellow. The apple is red. The apple is red. Red. The apple is red. The apple is red. A banana is yellow.
- What colour is the banana?
- Yellow.
- What colour is the apple?
- Red. The apple is red. Red. Yellow.
- This is green. This apple is green. This apple is green. This apple is green. A banana is yellow. An apple is green. And this apple is red. This is a red apple. And this is a green apple.
- Which apple is red?
- This one is red.
- And this one? This apple is green. This apple is green.
- Which fruit is yellow? Which fruit is yellow?
- The banana. The banana is yellow. The banana is yellow. Yellow. The banana is yellow.