Разговор с мамой
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- Kакая это буква? ≅ What letter is it?
- Ау! ≅ Hello!
- Дни недели ≅ Days of the Week
- Если вы хотите чай ≅ Если вы хотите чай, If you want some tea
- Если вы хотите чай ≅ If you want some tea
- Лошадь ржет - Корова мычит ≅ A horse neighs – A cow moos
- Разговор с мамой ≅ Conversation with mother
Son is calling: "Wee, wee, wee!"
– what he's saying: "Stay with me".
Mom replies: "I can not now.
I'm washing the dishes: you don't know how!"
But again: "Aah, ah, ah!"
– is heard with the new strength.
Mom replies: "Look, I'm here,
Don't be angry with me, my dear!