Fecioara Maica Maria

< O Virgin Pure

 Fecioara Maica Maria
Stapana Imparateasa
Pe tine te fericim

Curata fiica din Adam
Parfum de floare aleasa
Pe tine te fericim

Aleasa fiica de imparat
Fecioara nenuntita
Pe tine te fericim

Smerenia te-a ridicat
Si te-a facut slavita
Pe tine te fericim

Mai sus de ceruri te-ai suit
Prin nasterea straina
Pe tine te fericim

Pe heruvimi ai covarsit
In cinste si lumina
Pe tine te fericim

Si serafimii in zborul lor
La slava ta cu dor privesc
Pe tine te fericim

Arhanghelii si ceata lor
De frumusetea ta doresc
Pe tine te fericim

Cantarea heruvimilor
Spre tine se indreapta
Pe tine te fericim

Iar ceata serafimilor
In ode se desfata
Pe tine te fericim

Arhanghelii neincetat
Cu toate ostile ceresti
Pe tine te fericim

In dorul lor nesaturat
Din lauda nu se opresc
Pe tine te fericim

Esti bucuria cetelor
De ingeri laudata
Pe tine te fericim

Esti pacea si sfintitul dor
A sfintilor curata
Pe tine te fericim

Esti mangaierea tuturor
Ce tie se inchina
Pe tine te fericim

Esti Maica ortodocsilor
Si-a lor nadejde buna
Pe tine te fericim

A randuielilor ceresti
Stapana mult cantata
Pe tine te fericim

Esti si a celor pamantesti
Scapare intemeiata
Pe tine te fericim

Din aurorile ceresti
Faclie luminata
Pe tine te fericim

Si noua ne impartasesti
Lumina cea curata
Pe tine te fericim

Potir sfintit ce daruiesti
Izvor de nemurire
Pe tine te fericim

Adapa-ne pe noi cei rai
Cu vesnica-ti iubire
Pe tine te fericim

Si ne hraneste neincetat
Cu painea de viata
Pe tine te fericim

Ce dintru tine s-a luat
Fecioara prea curata
Pe tine te fericim

O, Maica fara de pacat
Balsam de mangaiere
Pe tine te fericim

Ne fi celor ce-am apucat
cararea spre Inviere
Pe tine te fericim

Fecioara Maica te avem
Liman de mantuire
Pe tine te fericim

Si bucurie si indemn
Si cale de suire
Pe tine te fericim

Bucura-te roza de mai
Si floarea curatiei
Pe tine te fericim

Bucura-te sfintite Rai
Salasul fecioriei
Pe tine te fericim

Mireasa sfanta al tau dor
Ne umple de iubire
Pe tine te fericim

Si ni se face tuturor
Urcus spre Imparatie
Pe tine te fericim

Fecioara, acoperamant
A lumii intregi Stapana
Pe tine te fericim

Pazeste al nostru sfant pamant
Si vatra si gradina
Pe tine te fericim

Si cu caldura te rugam
Stapana prea sfintita
Pe tine te fericim

Pazeste-ne, te imploram,
De-a celui rau ispita
Pe tine te fericim

Ne apara si te pazim
Si turn de aparare
Pe tine te fericim

Si calauza celora
Ce-n tine-si-au scapare
Pe tine te fericim

Si Imparatia lui Hristos
Ne-o da ca mostenire
Pe tine te fericim

Ca sa-ti aducem ca prinos
A noastra multumire
Pe tine te fericim

Si sa-ti cantam neincetat
Cantarea ta-n vecie
Pe tine te fericim

Cuvine-se cu adevarat
Sa te slavim Marie
Pe tine te fericïm

Translation by Bishop Basil
O Pure Virgin - Tone 5
O pure and virgin Lady,
O spotless Theotokos: Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O Virgin Queen and Mother
O dewy fleece most sacred: Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O height transcending heaven above
O beam of light most radiant:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O joy of chaste and virgin maids
surpassing all the angels:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O brilliant light of heaven above
most clear and most radiant:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Commanding chief of heavenly hosts
O holiest of holies
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O ever-virgin Mary
O Mistress of creation:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O Bride all-pure and spotless
O Lady all-holy:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O holy Mary, Bride and Queen
and cause of our rejoicing
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O Maiden Queen most honourable
O Mother most holy
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

More precious than the cherubim
more glorious than the seraphim:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Surpassing principalities
dominions, thrones and powers:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Rejoice, song of the cherubim
Rejoice, hymn of the angels:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Rejoice, ode of the seraphim
and joy of the archangels:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Rejoice, O peace; Rejoice, O joy
and haven of salvation: Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O bridal chamber of the Word
unfading, fragrant blossom:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Rejoice, delight of paradise
Rejoice, life everlasting:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Rejoice, O holy tree of life
and fount of immortality:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

I supplicate thee, Lady
I humbly call upon thee:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O Queen of all, I beg thee
to grant me thy favor:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O spotless and most honoured maid
O Lady all holy:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

I call upon thee fervently
thou temple most holy:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O thou my help, deliver me
from harm and all adversity:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

And by thy prayers show me to be
an heir of immortality:
Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Translation by the Holy Nativity Convent, Pennsylvania
Refrain: Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!
 O Virgin pure, immaculate/ O Lady Theotokos
O Virgin Mother, Queen of all/ and fleece which is all dewy
More radiant than the rays of sun/ and higher than the heavens
Delight of virgin choruses/ superior to Angels.
Much brighter than the firmament/ and purer than the sun's light
More holy than the multitude/ of all the heav'nly armies.

Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

O Ever Virgin Mary/ of all the world, the Lady
O bride all pure, immaculate/ O Lady Panagia
O Mary bride and Queen of all/ our cause of jubilation
Majestic maiden, Queen of all/ O our most holy Mother
More hon'rable than Cherubim/ beyond compare more glorious
than immaterial Seraphim/ and greater than angelic thrones.

Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

Rejoice, O song of Cherubim/ Rejoice, O hymn of angels
Rejoice, O ode of Seraphim/ the joy of the archangels
Rejoice, O peace and happiness/ the harbor of salvation
O sacred chamber of the Word/ flow'r of incorruption
Rejoice, delightful paradise/ of blessed life eternal
Rejoice, O wood and tree of life/ the fount of immortality.

Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

I supplicate you, Lady/ now do I call upon you
And I beseech you, Queen of all/ I beg of you your favor
Majestic maiden, spotless one/ O Lady Panagia
I call upon you fervently/ O sacred, hallowed temple
Assist me and deliver me/ protect me from the enemy
And make me an inheritor/ of blessed life eternal.

Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

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