Pease Porridge Hot
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- A Sparrow ≅ Воробей
- Morning, day, evening and night ≅ Утро, день, вечер и ночь
- Old Mother Hubbard ≅ Бабушка Света
- Once an old lady had a little grey kid ≅ Жил-был у бабушки серенький козлик
- Pease Porridge Hot ≅ Каша горяча
- What colour is the sun? ≅ Какого цвета солнце?
- Если вы хотите чай ≅ Если вы хотите чай, If you want some tea
Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot, nine days old;
Some like it hot, some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot, nine days old.
Pease Porridge hot,
Pease Porridge cold,
Pease Porridge in the Pot
Nine Days old,
Spell me that in four Letters?
I will, THAT.