Riaba the Hen

There once was an old man and an old woman, they had a speckled hen. The hen laid an egg, not an ordinary one, but a golden one. The old man hit it and hit it but could not break it. The old woman hit it and hit it but could not break it. They both hit it and hit it but could not break it. A mouse ran past, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke! The old man and the old woman cried, the hen cackled: "Don't cry old man, don't cry old woman. I will lay you a new egg, not a golden one, but an ordinary one."

There once was an old man and an old woman and they had a hen called Riaba. Once the hen laid an egg, and not an ordinary one, but a golden one. The old man hit it and hit it, the old woman hit it and hit it, but could not break it. A mouse ran past, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. The old man cried, the old woman cried, and the hen cackled: "Don't cry old man, don't cry old woman. I will lay you a new egg, not a golden one, but an ordinary one!"

Жили-были дед да баба, была у них курочка ряба; снесла курочка яичко: не простое, а золотое. Баба била, била - не разбила... Дед бил, бил - не разбил... Оба били-били - не разбили... Мышка пробежала, хвостиком махнула, яичко упало и разбилось! Дед и баба плачут, курочка кудахчет: "Не плачь, дед, не плачь, баба. Я снесу вам яичко, не золотое, а простое."

Жили-были дед да баба. И была у них курочка ряба. Снесла как-то курочка яичко, да не простое, а золотое. Дед бил, бил - не разбил. Баба била, била - не разбила. Мышка бежала, хвостиком махнула, яичко упало и разбилось. Дед и баба плачут, а курочка кудахчет: "Не плачь, дед, не плачь, баба. Снесу я вам другое яичко, не золотое - простое!"

Answer the Questions[edit]

1 An old man and an old woman had ___ .

Rottweiler.png a very old dog
Hen.png a hen
Chicken.png a very young chicken

2 What did the hen lay?

Milk bottle.png A bottle of milk.
Chips.png A packet of chips.
Chocolates.png Very tasty chocolate sweets.
Egg.png An egg.

3 Who broke the egg? Old couple.png

An old man.
Mouse.png A mouse.
An old woman .
Elephant.png An elephant.