The Giant Turnip

Once an old man planted a turnip and said:
Grow, grow, turnip, sweet!
Grow, grow, turnip, strong!

The turnip grew sweet and strong,
It grew enormous!

The old man went to the turnip and started to pull it out of the ground.
He pulled and pulled,
But couldn't pull it out.

The old man called the old woman for help.
The old woman pulled the old man,
The old man pulled the turnip,
They pulled and pulled,
But couldn't pull it out.

The old woman called the granddaughter.

The granddaughter pulled the old woman,
The old woman pulled the old man,
The old man pulled the turnip,
They pulled and pulled,
But couldn't pull it out.

The granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Zhuchka pulled the granddaughter,
The granddaughter pulled the old woman,
The old woman pulled the old man,
The old man pulled the turnip,
They pulled and pulled,
But couldn't pull it out.

Zhuchka called the cat.

The cat pulled Zhuchka,
Zhuchka pulled the granddaughter,
The granddaughter pulled the old woman,
The old woman pulled the old man,
The old man pulled the turnip,
They pulled and pulled,
But couldn't pull it out.

The cat called the mouse.

The mouse pulled the cat,
The cat pulled Zhuchka,
Zhuchka pulled the granddaughter,
The granddaughter pulled the old woman,
The old woman pulled the old man,
The old man pulled the turnip,
They pulled and pulled,
And they pulled it out!

Посадил дед репку и говорит: - Расти, расти, репка, сладкá! Расти, расти, репка, крепкá! Выросла репка сладкá, крепкá, большая-пребольшая. Пошел дед репку рвать: тянет-потянет, вытянуть не может.

Позвал дед бабку.
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку -
вытянуть не могут.

Позвала бабка внучку.
Внучка за бабку,
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку -
вытянуть не могут.

Позвала внучка Жучку.
Жучка за внучку,
Внучка за бабку,
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку -
вытянуть не могут.

Позвала Жучка кошку.
Кошка за Жучку,
Жучка за внучку,
Внучка за бабку,
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку -
вытянуть не могут.

Позвала кошка мышку.
Мышка за кошку,
Кошка за Жучку,
Жучка за внучку,
Внучка за бабку,
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку -
Тянут-потянут -
и вытянули репку!