Русские имена

Учительница: What is my full name? Do you know my Russian name?

Ученик: Наташа.

Учительница: It will take you some time to get used to Russian names. I will let you to call me Natasha because I don't want you to break your tongue before you finish the whole course. My full name is Наталья Евгеньевна. Наталья is my name. Евгеньевна is my patronymic. My father's name is Eвгений and that's why my patronymic is Евгеньевна.

  • -евна, -овна, -вовна, -инична - are used to form patronymics for women. Евгеньевна - daughter of Eвгений, Александровна - daughter of Александр, Ярославна - daughter of Ярослав, Ильинична - daughter of Илья.
  • -евич, -ович, -вович, -ич - are used to form patronymics for men/ Евгеньевич - son of Eвгений, Александрович - son of Александр, Ярославович - son of Ярослав, Ильич - son of Илья.

The patronymic is an official part of the name, used in all official documents and when addressing somebody both formally and among friends in Russia. Not so often among friends, then: Александр Александрович may be called Сан Саныч or simply Саныч; Павел Павлович may be called Пал Палыч or simply Палыч. Learn Russian names!

Ученик: But Наталья and Наташа are two different names.

Учительница: Not for a Russian, it is the same name in Russian. It takes a long time for a Russian to find out that you, an English speaker, don't understand it.

What is my daughter's name: Maria or Masha?

Natasha Brown: When my daughter was younger, she even made up a double name for herself Masha Maria, her school gave her a badge with this double name on it. She needed that name. Why did she need it? Because all the children and teachers were very confused when she, without noticing it, started referring to herself by any of those names. So they found a solution to the problem.

Later, when she opened a bank account; she again called herself Masha Maria. When a few years later some kind relative sent her some money from Russia she could not have access to it. The money was sent to Maria and the bank did not want to give it to her since her name on the account was different.

I had to go to a solicitor with her and take an oath that her name was Maria! The name on the bank account was changed and only then she was able to get the money.

As for me, I love calling her Машута when I feel love for her, and I try my best not to call her by any nasty name, such as Машка, even when I feel I don't love her. After all, she is my daughter.

How friends and family call Marias?
This is a copy of an old webpage from a forum. I made a translation from this webpage with Google Translate in 2009:

Машульчик Слободяник: Меня называют по-разному: Маша, Машка, Машенька, Машуля, Машутка, Мафка, Мася, Масюнь, Маня )))
Маша Стойкова: Мария, Маришка, Марийка, Машуня, Машенька, Машенция:) :) :), МашкО, Маша, Машка :)

Mashulchik Slobodyanik: I named it in different ways: Masha, Masha, Masha, Mashulya, Mashutka, FCI, Masya, Masyun, Manya.)))
Maria Stoykova: Maria, Mariska, Marika, Mashunya, Masha, Mashentsiya:):):), Masha, Masha, Masha:)

Google sometimes translated Mаша as Maria and sometimes as Masha, but Машка on both occasions translated as Masha. Note that both Marias are sometimes called Машка, and they accept it! They are both very tolerant, unlike me. I would not be able to accept anyone calling me Наташка!

Ученик: What shall I do? You have confused me even more. How do I know what name to use?

Учительница: Russians know that Russian names are not an easy concept for a foreigner. Take it easy. Just call me Natasha.

 Моё полное имя – Наталья Евгеньевна. Имя – Наталья, а отчество – Евгеньевна. Моего отца зовут Евгений, поэтому моё отчество – Евгеньевна.


  • -евна, -овна, -вовна, -инична – используются, чтобы формировать отчество для женщин
  • -евич, -ович, -вович, -ич – используются, чтобы формировать отчество для мужчин


Евгеньевич – сын Eвгения,
Александрович – сын Александра,
Ярославович – сын Ярослава,
Ильич – сын Ильи


Евгеньевна – дочь Eвгения,
Александровна – дочь Александра,
Ярославна – дочь Ярослава,
Ильинична – дочь Ильи

Отчество это часть имени в России. Оно используется, когда обращаются к кому-то официально. Им так же могут пользоваться друзья, но не так часто.


  • Александра Александровича могут звать Сан Саныч или просто Саныч

  • Павла Павловича могут звать Пал Палыч или просто Палыч

Учите русские имена!

The story here is as long as the world

A Russian man wants to get to the heart of his beloved; her name is Мария or Маша. She seems not to like any of the affectionate names that he tries to call her, but banal Маша. So he asked a forum to help him to find the right name for her. The forum is 2 pages long only because it was closed. I hope that he found the right name. How many names do they give to Maria? 50? 60? Russians are very passionate about their names!

Here is another forum: Мария - это Марья или нет? The answer is lots of highly emotional entries sometimes even with some mild swearing. Most of all I like the comment 46:

Лежу в предродовой, читаю, все стонут вокруг. И я тоже: только от смеха! Комменты улёт просто!
I am reading in a prenatal ward. Everyone is groaning and me too: but I am groaning with laughter! The comments are so funny!