Hot Cross Buns

Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns!
One ha' penny, two ha' penny,
Hot cross buns!

Give them to your daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One ha' penny, two ha' penny,
Hot cross buns!

If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons
One ha' penny, two ha' penny,
Hot Cross Buns!

File:Project Marche - Hot Cross Buns.jpg

Булочки! Булочки!
Пол-копейки, две копейки,

Булочки! Булочки!
Давай дочкам и сыночкам

Давай своим дочкам,
и сыночкам дай
Пол-копейки, две копейки,

Булочки! Булочки!
Давай дочкам и сыночкам

А раз нету дочек,
То сыночкам дай!
Пол-копейки, две копейки,

Test Yourself[edit]

1 What does a hot cross bun have on top?

it has a nought on top
it has a cross on top
it has a plain brown top
it has nothing on top

2 When do people make hot cross buns?

they make them in autumn
they make them in summer
they make them for the New Year
they make them at Easter

3 How many buns do you get for a ha'penny?

one a ha'penny
one or two a ha'penny
a penny a dozen (twelve)