Акафист Пресвятой Богородице

< The Akathist Hymn

Кондак 1
Взбранной Воеводе победительная, яко избавльшеся от злых, благодарственная восписуем Ти раби Твои, Богородице; но яко имущая державу непобедимую, от всяких нас бед свободи, да зовем Ти: радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Икос 1
Ангел предстатель с небесе послан бысть рещи Богородице: радуйся, и со безплотным гласом воплощаема Тя зря, Господи, ужасашеся и стояше, зовый к Ней таковая: Радуйся, Еюже рaдocть возсияет; радуйся, Еюже клятва изчезнет. Радуйся, падшаго Адама воззвание; радуйся, слез Евиных избавление. Радуйся, высото неудобовосходимая человеческими помыслы; радуйся, глубино неудобозримая и ангельскима очима. Радуйся, яко еси Царево седалище; радуйся, яко носиши Носящаго вся. Радуйся, Звездо, являющая Солнце; радуйся, утробо Божественнаго воплощения. Радуйся, Еюже обновляется тварь; радуйся, Еюже покланяемся Творцу. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 2
Видящи Святая Себе в чистоте, глаголет Гавриилу дерзостно: преславное твоего гласа неудобоприятельно души Моей является: безсеменнаго бо зачатия рождество како глаголеши, зовый: Аллилуиа.

Икос 2
Разум недоразумеваемый разумети Дева ищущи, возопи к служащему: из боку чисту, Сыну како есть родитися мощно, рцы Ми? К Нейже он рече со страхом, обаче зовый сице: Радуйся, совета неизреченнаго Таиннице; радуйся, молчания просящих веро. Радуйся, чудес Христовых начало; радуйся, велений Его главизно. Радуйся, лествице небесная, Еюже сниде Бог; радуйся, мосте, преводяй сущих от земли на небо. Радуйся, Ангелов многословущее чудо; радуйся, бесов многоплачевное поражение. Радуйся, Свет неизреченно родившая; радуйся, еже како, ни единаго же научившая. Радуйся, премудрых превосходящая разум; радуйся, верных озаряющая смыслы. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 3

Сила Вышняго осени тогда к зачатию браконеискусную, и благоплодная Тоя ложесна яко село показа сладкое всем, хотящим жати спасение, внегда пети сице: Аллилуиа.

Икос 3

Имущи Богоприятную Дева утробу, востече ко Елисавети: младенец же оноя, абие познав Сея целование, радовашеся, и играньми, яко песньми, вопияше к Богородице: Радуйся, отрасли неувядаемая розго; радуйся, Плода безсмертнаго стяжание. Радуйся, Делателя делающая Человеколюбца; радуйся, Садителя жизни нашея рождшая. Радуйся, ниво, растящая гобзование щедрот; радуйся, трапезо, носящая обилие очищения. Радуйся, яко рай пищный процветаеши; радуйся, яко пристанище душам готовиши. Радуйся, приятное молитвы кадило; радуйся, всего мира очищение. Радуйся, Божие к смертным благоволение; радуйся, смертных к Богу дерзновение. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 4

Бурю внутрь имея помышлений сумнительных, целомудренный Иосиф смятеся, к Тебе зря небрачней и бракоокрадованную помышляя, Непорочная; уведев же Твое зачатие от Духа Свята, рече: Аллилуиа.

Икос 4

Слышаша пастырие Ангелов поющих плотское Христово пришествие, и текше яко к Пастырю, видят Сего яко агнца непорочна, во чреве Мариине упасшася, Юже поюще реша: Радуйся, Агнца и Пастыря Мати; радуйся, дворе словесных овец. Радуйся, невидимых врагов мучение; радуйся, райских дверей отверзение. Радуйся, яко небесная срадуются земным; радуйся, яко земная сликовствуют небесным. Радуйся, Апостолов немолчная уста; радуйся, страстотерпцев непобедимая дерзосте. Радуйся, твердое веры утверждение; радуйся, светлое благодати познание. Радуйся, Еюже обнажися ад; радуйся, Еюже облекохомся славою. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 5

Боготечную звезду узревше волсви, тоя последоваша зари; и яко светильник держаще ю, тою испытаху крепкаго Царя, и достигше Непостижимаго, возрадовашася, Ему вопиюще: Аллилуиа.

Икос 5

Видеша отроцы халдейстии на руку Девичу Создавшаго руками человеки, и Владыку разумевающе Его, аще и рабий прият зрак, потщашася дарми послужити Ему, и возопити Благословенней: Радуйся, Звезды незаходимыя Мати; радуйся, заре таинственнаго дне. Радуйся, прелести пещь угасившая; радуйся, Троицы таинники просвещающая. Радуйся, мучителя безчеловечнаго изметающая от начальства; радуйся, Господа Человеколюбца показавшая Христа. Радуйся, варварскаго избавляющая служения; радуйся, тимения изымающая дел. Радуйся, огня поклонение угасившая; радуйся, пламене страстей изменяющая. Радуйся, верных наставнице целомудрия; радуйся, всех родов веселие. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 6

Проповедницы богоноснии бывше волсви, возратишася в Вавилон, скончавше Твое пророчество, и проповедавше Тя Христа всем, оставиша Ирода яко буесловна, не ведуща пети: Аллилуиа.

Икос 6

Возсиявый во Египте просвещение истины, отгнал еси лжи тьму: идоли бо его, Спасе, не терпяще Твоея крепости, падоша, сих же избавльшиися вопияху к Богородице: Радуйся, исправление человеков; радуйся, низпадение бесов. Радуйся, прелести державу поправшая; радуйся идольскую лесть обличившая. Радуйся, море, потопившее фараона мысленнаго; радуйся, каменю, напоивший жаждущия жизни. Радуйся, огненный столпе, наставляяй сущия во тьме; радуйся, покрове миру, ширший облака. Радуйся, пище, манны приемнице; радуйся, сладости святыя служительнице. Радуйся, земле обетования; радуйся, из неяже течет мед и млеко. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 7

Хотящу Симеону от нынешняго века преславитися прелестнаго, вдался еси яко младенец тому, но познался еси ему и Бог совершенный. Темже удивися Твоей неизреченней премудрости, зовый: Аллилуиа.

Икос 7

Новую показа тварь, явлься Зиждитель нам от Него бывшим, из безсеменныя прозяб утробы, и сохранив Ю, якоже бе, нетленну, да чудо видяще, воспоим Ю, вопиюще: Радуйся, цвете нетления; радуйся, венче воздержания. Радуйся, воскресения образ облистающая; радуйся, ангельское житие являющая. Радуйся, древо светоплодовитое, от негоже питаются вернии; радуйся, древо благосеннолиственное, имже покрываются мнози. Радуйся, во чреве носящая Избавителя плененным; радуйся, рождшая Наставника заблуждшим. Радуйся, Судии праведнаго умоление; радуйся, многих согрешений прощение. Радуйся, одеждо нагих дерзновения; радуйся, любы, всякое желание побеждающая. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 8

Странное рождество видевше, устранимся мира, ум на небеса преложше: сего бо ради высокий Бог на земли явися смиренный человек, хотяй привлещи к высоте Тому вопиющия: Аллилуиа.

Икос 8

Весь бе в нижних и вышних никакоже отступи неописанное Слово: снизхождение бо Божественное, не прехождение же местное бысть, и рождество от Девы Богоприятныя, слышащия сия: Радуйся, Бога невместимаго вместилище; радуйся, честнаго таинства двери. Радуйся, неверных сумнительное слышание; радуйся, верных известная похвало. Радуйся, колеснице пресвятая Сущаго на херувимех; Радуйся, селение преславное Сущаго на серафимех. Радуйся, противная в тожде собравшая; радуйся, девство и рождество сочетавшая. Радуйся, Еюже разрешися преступление; радуйся, Еюже отверзеся рай. Радуйся, ключу Царствия Христова; радуйся, надеждо благ вечных. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 9

Всякое естество ангельское удивися великому Твоего вочеловечения делу: неприступнаго бо яко Бога, зряше всем приступнаго Человека, нам убо спребывающа, слышаща же от всех: Аллилуиа.

Икос 9

Ветия многовещанныя, яко рыбы безгласныя видим о Тебе, Богородице, недоумевают бо глаголати, еже како и Дева пребываеши, и родити возмогла еси. Мы же, таинству дивящеся, верно вопием: Радуйся, премудрости Божия приятелище; радуйся, промышления Его сокровище. Радуйся, любомудрыя немудрыя являющая; радуйся, хитрословесныя безсловесныя обличающая. Радуйся, яко обуяша лютии взыскателе; радуйся, яко увядоша баснотворцы. Радуйся, афинейская плетения растерзающая; радуйся, рыбарския мрежи исполняющая. Радуйся, из глубины неведения извлачающая; радуйся, многи в разуме просвещающая. Радуйся, кораблю хотящих спастися; радуйся, пристанище житейских плаваний. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 10

Спасти хотя мир, Иже всех Украситель, к сему самообетован прииде, и пастырь сый, яко Бог, нас ради явися по нам Человек: подобным бо подобное призвав, яко Бог слышит: Аллилуиа.

Икос 10

Стена еси девам, Богородице Дево, и всем к Тебе прибегающим: ибо небесе и земли Творец устрои Тя, Пречистая, вселься во утробе Твоей, и вся приглашати Тебе научи: Радуйся, столпе девства; радуйся, дверь спасения. Радуйся, начальнице мысленнаго наздания; радуйся, подательнице Божественныя благости. Радуйся, Ты бо обновила еси зачатыя студно; радуйся, Ты бо наказала еси окраденныя умом. Радуйся, тлителя смыслов упраждняющая; радуйся, Сеятеля чистоты рождшая. Радуйся, чертоже безсеменнаго уневещения; радуйся, верных Господеви сочетавшая. Радуйся, добрая младопитательнице девам; радуйся, невестокрасительнице душ святых. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 11

Пение всякое побеждается, спростретися тщащееся ко множеству многих щедрот Твоих: равночисленныя бо песка песни аще приносим Ти, царю Святый, ничтоже совершаем достойно, яже дал еси нам, Тебе вопиющим: Аллилуиа.

Икос 11

Светоприемную свещу, сущим во тьме явльшуюся, зрим Святую Деву, невещественный бо вжигающи огнь, наставляет к разуму Божественному вся, зарею ум просвещающая, званием же почитаемая, сими: Радуйся, луче умнаго Солнца; радуйся, светило незаходимаго Света. Радуйся, молние, души просвещающая; радуйся, яко гром враги устрашающая. Радуйся, яко многосветлое возсияваеши просвещение; радуйся, яко многотекущую источаеши реку. Радуйся, купели живописующая образ; радуйся, греховную отъемлющая скверну. Радуйся, бане, омывающая совесть; радуйся, чаше, черплющая радость. Радуйся, обоняние Христова Благоухания; радуйся, животе тайнаго веселия. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 12

Благодать дати восхотев, долгов древних, всех долгов Решитель человеком, прииде Собою ко отшедшим Того благодати, и раздрав рукописание, слышит от всех сице: Аллилуиа.

Икос 12

Поюще Твое Рождество, хвалим Тя вси, яко одушевленный храм, Богородице: во Твоей бо вселився утробе содержай вся рукою Господь, освяти, прослави и научи вопити Тебе всех: Радуйся, селение Бога и Слова; радуйся, святая святых большая. Радуйся, ковчеже, позлащенный Духом; радуйся, сокровище живота неистощимое. Радуйся, честный венче царей благочестивых; радуйся, честная похвало иереев благоговейных. Радуйся, Церкве непоколебимый столпе; радуйся, Царствия нерушимая стено. Радуйся, Еюже воздвижутся победы; радуйся, Еюже низпадают врази. Радуйся, тела моего врачевание; радуйся, души моея спасение. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная.

Кондак 13

О Всепетая Мати, рождшая всех святых Святейшее Слово! Нынешнее приемши приношение, от всякия избави напасти всех, и будущия изми муки, Тебе вопиющих: Аллилуиа.

Этот кондак читается трижды, затем 1-й икос: "Ангел предстатель..." и 1-й кондак: "Взбранной Воеводе...".


О, Пресвятая Госпоже Владычице Богородице, вышши еси всех Ангел и Архангел, и всея твари честнейши, помощнице еси обидимых, ненадеющихся надеяние, убогих заступнице, печальных утешение, алчущих кормительнице, нагих одеяние, больных исцеление, грешных спасение, христиан всех поможение и заступление. О, Всемилостивая Госпоже, дево Богородице Владычице, милостию Твоею спаси и помилуй святейшия патриархи православныя, архиепископы и епископы и весь священнический и иноческий чин, и вся православныя христианы ризою Твоею честною защити; и умоли, Госпоже, из Тебе без семене воплотившагося Христа Бога нашего, да препояшет нас силою Своею свыше, на невидимыя и видимыя враги наша. О, Всемилостивая Госпоже Владычице Богородице! Воздвигни нас из глубины греховныя и избави нас от глада, губительства, от труса и потопа, от огня и меча, от нахождения иноплеменных и междоусобныя брани, и от напрасныя смерти, и от нападения вражия, и от тлетворных ветр, и от смертоносныя язвы, и от всякаго зла. Подаждь, Госпоже, мир и здравие рабом Твоим, всем православным христианом, просвети им ум, и очи сердечнии, еже ко спасению; и сподоби ны, грешныя рабы Твоя, Царствия Сына Твоего, Христа Бога нашего; яко держава Его благословена и препрославлена, со Безначальным Его Отцем, и с Пресвятым, и Благим, Животворящим Его Духом, ныне и присно, и во веки веков. Аминь.

О, Пресвятая Дево Мати Господа, Царице Небесе и земли! Вонми многоболезненному воздыханию душ наших, призри с высоты святыя Твоея на нас, с верою и любовию покланяющихся пречистому образу Твоему. Се бо грехми погружаемии и скорбьми обуреваемии, взирая на Твой образ, яко живей Ти сущей с нами, просим смиренныя моления наша. Не имамы бо ни иныя помощи, ни инаго предстательства, ни утешения, токмо Тебе, о, Мати всех скорбящих и обремененных. Помози нам немощным, утоли скорбь нашу, настави на путь правый нас, заблуждающих, уврачуй и спаси безнадежных, даруй нам прочее время живота нашего в мире и тишине проводити, подаждь христианскую кончину, и на Страшнем суде Сына Твоего явися нам милосердая Заступница, да всегда поем, величаем и славим Тя, яко благую Заступницу рода христианскаго, со всеми угодившими Богу. Аминь.

Ode 1

I shall open my mouth, and the Spirit will inspire it, and I shall utter the words of my song to the Queen and Mother: I shall be seen radiantly keeping feast and joyfully praising her wonders.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Beholding thee, the living book of Christ, sealed by the Spirit, the great archangel exclaimed to thee, O pure one: Rejoice, vessel of joy, through which the curse of the first mother is annulled.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, Virgin bride of God, restoration of Adam and death of hell. Rejoice, all-immaculate one, palace of the King of all. Rejoice, fiery throne of the Almighty.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, O thou who alone hast blossomed forth the unfading Rose. Rejoice, for thou hast borne the fragrant Apple. Rejoice, Maiden unwedded, the pure fragrance of the only King, and preservation of the world.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Rejoice, treasure-house of purity, by which we have risen from our fall. Rejoice, sweet-smelling lily which perfumeth the faithful, fragrant incense and most precious myrrh.

Ode 3

O Mother of God, thou living and plentiful fount, give strength to those united in spiritual fellowship, who sing hymns of praise to thee: and in thy divine glory vouchsafe unto them crowns of glory.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

From thee, the untilled field, hath grown the divine Ear of grain. Rejoice, living table that hath held the Bread of Life. Rejoice, O Lady, never-failing spring of the Living Water.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

O Heifer that barest the unblemished Calf for the faithful, rejoice, Ewe that hast brought forth the lamb of God Who taketh away the sins of all the world. Rejoice, ardent mercy-seat.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice brightest dawn, who alone barest Christ the Sun. Rejoice, dwelling-place of Light, who hast dispersed darkness and utterly driven away the gloomy demons.

Both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Rejoice, only door through which the Word alone hath passed. By thy birthgiving, O Lady, thou hast broken the bars and gates of hell. Rejoice, Bride of God, divine entry of the saved.

Ode 4

He who sitteth in glory upon the throne of the Godhead, Jesus the true God, is come in a swift cloud and with His sinless hands he hath saved those who cry: Glory to Thy power, O Christ.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

With voices of song in faith we cry aloud to thee, who art worthy of all praise: Rejoice, butter mountain, mountain curdled by the Spirit. Rejoice, candlestick and vessel of manna, which sweeteneth the senses of all the pious.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, mercy-seat of the world, most pure Lady. Rejoice, ladder raising all men from the earth by grace. Rejoice, bridge that in very truth hast led from death to life all those that hymn thee.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, most pure one, higher than the heavens, who didst painlessly carry within thy womb the Fountain of the earth. Rejoice, sea-shell that with thy blood didst dye a divine purple robe for the King of Hosts.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Lady who in truth didst give birth to the lawgiver, Who freely washed clean the iniquities of all. O Maiden who hast not known wedlock, unfathomable depth, unutterable height, by whom we have been deified.

Both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Praising thee who hast woven for the world a Crown not made by hand of man, we cry to thee: Rejoice, O Virgin, the guardian of all men, fortress and stronghold and sacred refuge.

Ode 5

The whole world was amazed at thy divine glory: for thou, O Virgin who hast not known wedlock, hast held in thy womb the God of all and hast given birth to an eternal Son, who rewards with salvation all who sing thy praises.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, most immaculate one, who gavest birth to the Way of life, and who savedst the world from the flood of sin. Rejoice, Bride of God, tidings fearful to tell and hear. Rejoice, dwelling-place of the Master of all creation.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, most pure one, the strength and fortress of men, sanctuary of glory, the death of hell, all-radiant bridal chamber. Rejoice, joy of angels. Rejoice, helper of them that pray to thee with faith.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, O Lady, fiery chariot of the Word, living paradise, having in thy midst the Tree of Life, the Lord of Life, Whose sweetness vivifieth all who partake of Him with faith, though they have been subject to corruption.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Strengthened by thy might, we raise our cry to thee with faith: Rejoice, city of the King of all, of which things glorious and worthy to be heard were clearly spoken. Rejoice, unhewn mountain, unfathomed depth.

Both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Rejoice, most pure one, spacious tabernacle of the Word, shell which produced the divine Pearl. Rejoice, all-wondrous Theotokos, who dost reconcile with God all who ever call thee blessed.

Ode 6

As we celebrate this sacred and solemn feast of the Mother of God, let us come, clapping our hands, O people of the Lord, and give glory to God who was born of her.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

O undefiled bridal chamber of the Word, cause of deification for all, rejoice, all honorable preaching of the prophet; rejoice, adornment of the apostles.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

From thee hath come the Dew that quenched the flame of idolatry; therefore, we cry to thee: Rejoice, living fleece wet with dew, which Gideon saw of old, O Virgin.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Behold, to thee, O Virgin, we cry: Rejoice! Be thou the port and a haven for all that sail upon the troubled waters of affliction, amidst all the snares of the enemy.

Both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou cause of joy, endue our thoughts with grace, that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, unconsumed bush, cloud of light that unceasingly overshadowest the faithful.

Ode 7

The holy children bravely trampled upon the threatening fire, refusing to worship created things in place of the Creator, and they sang in joy: 'Blessed art Thou and praised above all, O Lord God of our Fathers.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

We sing of thee, saying aloud: Rejoice, chariot of the noetic Sun; true vine, that hast produced ripe grapes, from which floweth a wine making glad the souls of them that in faith glorify thee.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, Bride of God, who gavest birth to the Healer of all; mystical staff, that didst blossom with the unfading Flower. Rejoice, O Lady, through whom we are filled with joy and inherit life.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

No tongue, however eloquent, hath power to sing thy praises, O Lady; for above the seraphim art thou exalted, who gavest birth to Christ the King, Whom do thou beseech to deliver from all harm those that venerate thee in faith.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The ends of the earth praise thee and call thee blessed, and they cry to thee with love: Rejoice, pure scroll, upon which the Word was written by the finger of the Father. Do thou beseech Him to inscribe thy servants in the book of life, O Theotokos.

Both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We thy servants pray to thee and bend the knees of our hearts: Incline thine ear, O pure one; save thy servants who are always sinking, and preserve thy city from every enemy captivity, O Theotokos.

Ode 8

The Offspring of the Theotokos saved the holy children in the furnace. He who was then prefigured hath since been born on earth, and he gathers all the creation to sing: O all ye works of the Lord, praise ye the Lord and exalt Him above all for ever.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Within thy womb thou hast received the Word; thou hast carried Him who carrieth all; O pure one, thou hast fed with milk Him Who by His beck feedeth the whole world. To Him we sing: Sing to the Lord, all ye His works, and supremely exalt Him unto the ages.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Moses perceived in the burning bush the great mystery of thy childbearing, while the youths clearly prefigured it as they stood in the midst of the fire and were not burnt, O Virgin pure and inviolate. Therefore do we hymn thee and supremely exalt thee unto the ages.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

We who once through falsehood were stripped naked, have by thy childbearing been clothed in the robe of incorruption; and we who once sat in the darkness of sin have seen the light, O Maiden, dwelling-place of Light. Therefore do we hymn thee and supremely exalt thee unto the ages.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Through thee the dead are brought to life, for thou hast borne the Hypostatic Life. They who once were mute are now made to speak well; lepers are cleansed, diseases are driven out, the hosts of the spirits of the air are conquered, O Virgin, the salvation of men.

Both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou didst bear the salvation of the world, O pure one, and through thee we were lifted from earth to heaven. Rejoice, all-blessed, protection and strength, rampart and fortress of those who sing: O all ye works of the Lord, praise ye the Lord and supremely exalt Him unto the ages.

Ode 9

Let every mortal born on earth, radiant with light, in spirit leap for joy; and let the host of the angelic powers celebrate and honor the holy feast of the Mother of God, and let them cry: Rejoice! Pure and blessed Ever-Virgin, who gavest birth to God.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Let us, the faithful, call to thee: Rejoice! Through thee, O Maiden, we have become partakers of everlasting joy. Save us from temptations, from barbarian captivity, and from every other injury that befalleth sinful men because of the multitude of their transgressions.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou hast appeared as our enlightenment and confirmation; wherefore, we cry to thee: Rejoice, never-setting star that bringest into the world the great Sun. Rejoice, pure Virgin that didst open the closed Eden. Rejoice, pillar of fire, leading mankind to a higher life.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Let us stand with reverence in the house of our God, and let us cry aloud: Rejoice, Mistress of the world. Rejoice, Mary, Lady of us all. Rejoice, thou who alone art immaculate and fair among women. Rejoice, vessel that receivedst the inexhaustible myrrh poured out on thee.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou dove that hast borne the Merciful One, rejoice, ever-virgin! Rejoice, glory of all the saints. Rejoice, crown of martyrs. Rejoice, divine adornment of all the righteous and salvation of us the faithful.

Both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Spare Thine inheritance, O God, and pass over all our sins now, for as intercessor in Thy sight, O Christ, Thou hast her that on earth gave birth to Thee without seed, when in Thy great mercy Thou didst will to take the form of man.

Then the Choir chants the Kontakion:

(Tone 8)

To Thee, the Champion Leader, we Thy servants dedicate a feast of victory and of thanksgiving as ones rescued out of sufferings, O Theotokos: but as Thou art one with might which is invincible, from all dangers that can be do Thou deliver us, that we may cry to Thee: Rejoice, Thou Bride Unwedded!

O Victorious Leader of Triumphant Hosts! We thy servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to thee, O Theotokos! As thou possessest invincible might, set us free from every calamity so that we may sing: Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

Ikos 1

A Prince of the Angels was sent from Heaven to say to the Theotokos, Rejoice!
A Prince of the Angels was sent from Heaven to say to the Theotokos, Rejoice!
A Prince of the Angels was sent to the Theotokos, Rejoice!
And seeing Thee, O Lord, take bodily form at the sound of his bodiless voice, filled with amazement he stood still and cried aloud to Her:

Rejoice! For through thee joy shall shine forth:
Rejoice! For through thee the curse shall cease.
Rejoice! Recalling of fallen Adam:
Rejoice! Deliverance from the tears of Eve.
Rejoice! Height hard to climb for the thoughts of men:
Rejoice! Depth hard to scan even for the eyes of Angels.
Rejoice! For thou art the throne of the King:
Rejoice! For thou holdest Him Who upholds all.
Rejoice! Star causing the Sun to shine:
Rejoice! Womb of the Divine Incarnation.
Rejoice! For through thee the creation is made new:
Rejoice! For through thee the Creator becomes a newborn Child.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 2

The Holy Maiden, seeing herself in all her purity, said boldly unto Gabriel: “Strange seem thy words, and hard for my soul to accept. From a conception without seed dost thou speak of childbirth, crying: Alleluia!”

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 2

Seeking to know what passes knowledge, the Virgin said to the ministering Angel: “From a maiden womb how can a son be born? Tell me.” And to her in fear he answered, crying:

Rejoice! Initiate of God’s secret counsel:
Rejoice! Faith in that which must be guarded by silence.
Rejoice! Beginning of Christ’s wonders:
Rejoice! Crown and fulfillment of His teachings.
Rejoice! Heavenly Ladder by which God came down:
Rejoice! Bridge leading men from earth to Heaven.
Rejoice! Marvel greatly renowned among the Angels:
Rejoice! Wound bitterly lamented by the demons.
Rejoice! For ineffably thou shalt bear the Light:
Rejoice! For thou hast reviled the Mystery to none.
Rejoice! Wisdom surpassing the knowledge of the wise:
Rejoice! Dawn that illumines the minds of the faithful.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 3

Then the power of the Most High overshadowed her that knew not wedlock, so that she might conceive: and He made her fruitful womb as a fertile field for all who long to reap the harvest of salvation, singing: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Bearing God within Her womb, the Virgin hastened to Elizabeth; whose unborn child, knowing at once the salutation of the Theotokos, Rejoiced and, leaping as if in song, cried out to her:

Rejoice! Vine whence springs a never-withering branch:
Rejoice! Orchard of Pure Fruit.
Rejoice! For thou tendest the Husbandman who loves mankind:
Rejoice! For thou hast borne the Gardener who cultivates out life.
Rejoice! Earth yielding a rich harvest of compassion:
Rejoice! Table laden with mercy in abundance.
Rejoice! For through Thee the fields of Eden flower again:
Rejoice! For thou makest ready a Haven for our souls.
Rejoice! Acceptable incense of intercession:
Rejoice! Propitiation of the whole world.
Rejoice! Loving-kindness of God unto mortal man:
Rejoice! Freedom of the approach for mortals unto God.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 4

Tossed inwardly by a storm of doubts, prudent Joseph was troubled: knowing thee to be unwedded, O blameless Virgin, he feared a stolen union. But when he learnt the Thy conceiving was from the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Kontakion to the Mother of God

O Victorious Leader of Triumphant Hosts! We Thy servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to thee, O Theotokos! As thou possessest invincible might, set us free from every calamity so that we may sing: Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

Ikos 4

The shepherds heard the Angels glorify Christ’s coming in the flesh. Quickly they ran to the Shepherd, and beheld Him as a Lamb without spot, that had been pastured in the womb of Mary; and they sang praises to her, saying:

Rejoice! Mother of the Lamb and Shepherd:
Rejoice! Fold of spiritual sheep.
Rejoice! Protection against unseen enemies:
Rejoice! Key to the Door of Paradise.
Rejoice! For Heaven exults with earth:
Rejoice! For things on earth :Rejoice with the Heavens.
Rejoice! Never-silent voice of the Apostles:
Rejoice! Unconquered courage of the victorious martyrs.
Rejoice! Firm Foundation of the Faith:
Rejoice! Shining Revelation of Grace.
Rejoice! For through thee hell is stripped bare:
Rejoice! For through thee we are clothed in glory.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 5

Seeing the star pointing to God, the Magi followed its radiance. Keeping it before them as a beacon, with its help they sought the mighty King; and attaining the Unattainable, they rejoiced and cried to Him: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 5

The children of the Chaldaeans saw the Virgin holding in her hands Him Who with His hands fashion mankind. Though He had taken the form of a servant, yet they knew Him as their Master. In haste they knelt before Him with their gifts and cried out to the Blessed Virgin:

Rejoice! Mother of the Star that never Sets:
Rejoice! Bright Dawn of the mystical day.
Rejoice! For thou hast quenched the furnace of deception:
Rejoice! For thou dost illumine all who love the Mystery of the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice! For thou hast cast down from his dominion the tyrant that hates man:
Rejoice! For thou hast made known the Lord Christ Who loves mankind.
Rejoice! Liberation from the filth of pagan idols:
Rejoice! Liberation from the filth of sin.
Rejoice! For thou hast quenched the worship of fire:
Rejoice! For thou hast released us from the flames of passion.
Rejoice! Guide of the faithful to chastity:
Rejoice! Joy of all generations.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 6

Becoming God’s messengers, the Magi returned to Babylon. Having fulfilled the prophecy concerning Thee, and preaching Thee to all as Christ, they left Herod to his own raving, for he known not how to sing: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 6

Shining upon Egypt with the light of truth, Thou hast dispelled the darkness of falsehood; for the idols of that land fell down, unable to endure Thy power, O Savior, and all who were from them cried unto the Theotokos:

Rejoice! Restoration of men:
Rejoice! Downfall of demons.
Rejoice! For thou hast trampled on the delusion of error:
Rejoice! For thou hast exposed the snare of idols.
Rejoice! Sea that hast drowned the invisible pharoah:
Rejoice! Rock that gives drink to all who thirst for life.
Rejoice! Pillar of fire, guiding those in darkness:
Rejoice! Protection of the world, wider than the Cloud in the wilderness.
Rejoice! Food that takes the place of manna:
Rejoice! Minister of Holy Joy.
Rejoice! Promised Land:
Rejoice! Source of milk and honey.
Rejoice! O Unweddded Bride!

Kontakion 7

As Simeon drew near to the time of his departure from this world of error, he received Thee as an infant in his arms, but he knew Thee to be perfect God; and, struck with wonder at Thine ineffable wisdom, he cried: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Kontakion to the Mother of God

O Victorious Leader of Triumphant Hosts! We Thy servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to thee, O Theotokos! As thou possessest invincible might, set us free from every calamity so that we may sing: Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

Ikos 7

A new creation has the Creator revealed, manifesting Himself unto us His creatures. From a Virgin’s womb He came, preserving it inviolate as it was before: that, beholding the miracle, we might sing her praises, crying:

Rejoice! Flower of incorruption:
Rejoice! Crown of chastity.
Rejoice! Bright foreshadowing of the Resurrection glory:
Rejoice! Mirror of the Angels’ life.
Rejoice! Tree of glorious Fruit on which the faithful feed:
Rejoice! Wood of shady leaves where many shelter.
Rejoice! For thou hast conceived a Guide for the Wanderers:
Rejoice! For thou hast borne a deliverer for the captives.
Rejoice! Intercessor for the righteous Judge:
Rejoice! Forgiveness for many who have stumbled.
Rejoice! Robe for the naked and bereft of hope:
Rejoice! Love surpassing all desire.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 8

Seeing this strange birth, let us become strangers to the world, fixing our minds in Heaven. To this end has the Most High God appeared on earth as a lowly man, because He wishes to draw heavenward all who cry aloud to Him: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 8

The Word uncircumscribed was wholly present here below, yet in no wise absent from the realm on high: God descended to earth, yet underwent no change in place. He was borne of a virgin, overshadowed by divine Power, and unto her we sing:

Rejoice! Enclosure of the God Whom nothing can enclose:
Rejoice! Gate of the hallowed Mystery.
Rejoice! Tidings doubted by unbelievers:
Rejoice! Undoubted glory of the faithful.
Rejoice! Most holy Chariot of Him Who rides upon the Cherubim:
Rejoice! Best of all dwellings for Him Who is above the Seraphim.
Rejoice! For thou bringest opposites to harmony:
Rejoice! For thou hast joined in one childbirth and virginity.
Rejoice! For through Thee our sin is remitted:
Rejoice! For through Thee Paradise is opened.
Rejoice! Key of Christ’s Kingdom:
Rejoice! Hope of eternal blessings.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 9

All the ranks of Angels marveled at the great work of Thine Incarnation. For they saw God, Whom none can approach, as a man approachable to all, dwelling in our midst, and hearing from our lips: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Eloquent orators we see dumb as the fishes in Thy presence, O Theotokos, for they are at a loss to say how thou remainest virgin and yet hast power to bear a child. But we, marveling at the mystery, cry aloud with faith:

Rejoice! Casket of God’s Wisdom:
Rejoice! Treasury of His Providence.
Rejoice! For thou revealest lack of wisdom in the lovers of wisdom:
Rejoice! For thou provest devoid of reason those skilled in reason’s art.
Rejoice! For the cunning disputants are shown to be fools:
Rejoice! For the myth-makers have withered into silence.
Rejoice! For thou hast torn asunder the tangled web of the Athenians:
Rejoice! For thou hast filled the nets of the fishermen.
Rejoice! For thou dost draw men from the depths of ignorance:
Rejoice! For thou dost illumine multitudes with knowledge.
Rejoice! Ship of all who would be saved:
Rejoice! Haven for the seafarers of life.
Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 10

Wishing to save the world, the Fashioner of all things came to it of His own free choice. As God He is our Shepherd, yet has He appeared for our sakes as a man like us; and calling like be means of like, as God He hears our cry: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Kontakion to the Mother of God

O Victorious Leader of Triumphant Hosts! We Thy servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to thee, O Theotokos! As thou possessest invincible might, set us free from every calamity so that we may sing: Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!

Ikos 10

For the virgins and for all who flee to thee thou art a Wall, O Virgin Theotokos undefiled: for the Creator of Heaven and earth has made thee ready and adorned thee, dwelling in thy womb, and teaching all to sing to thee:

Rejoice! Pillar of virginity:
Rejoice! Gate of salvation.
Rejoice! Beginning of the new and spiritual creation:
Rejoice! Provider of God’s mercy.
Rejoice! For thou hast given new birth to those conceived in shame:
Rejoice! For thou hast given good counsel to those robbed of understanding.
Rejoice! For thou bringest to naught the corrupter of man’s mind:
Rejoice! For thou bringest to birth the Sower of purity.
Rejoice! Bridal Chamber of a marriage without seed:
Rejoice! For thou joinest in union the faithful to their Lord.
Rejoice! Fair nursing-mother of virgins:
Rejoice! Bridal escort of holy souls.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 11

No hymn can recount the multitude of Thy mercies. For though we offer unto Thee, O holy King, songs as numberless as the sand upon the seashore, yet we do nothing worthy of the blessings Thou hast given us, who cry to Thee: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 11

We see the Holy Virgin as the lamp of living light, shining upon those in darkness. Kindling the immaterial Fire, she guides all men to divine knowledge; she illumines our minds with radiance, and we sing these praises in her honor:

Rejoice! Beam of the Spiritual Sun:
Rejoice! Ray of the Moon that never wanes.
Rejoice! Lighting-flash that shines upon our souls:
Rejoice! Thunder that brings terror to our enemies.
Rejoice! Dawn that makest the manifold splendor to arise:
Rejoice! Spring that makest the River with many streams flow.
Rejoice! For thou dost prefigure the baptismal font:
Rejoice! For thou takest away the filth of sin.
Rejoice! Water washing clean the conscience:
Rejoice! Cup wherein is mixed the Wine of mighty joy.
Rejoice! Scent of Christ’s fragrance:
Rejoice! Life of mystical feasting.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 12

Wishing to grant release from ancient debts, the Redeemer of all men came of His own will to those who were exiled from His grace; He has torn up the record of our sins, and from all He hears the cry: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 12

We all sing in honor of thy Son, O Theotokos, and praise thee as a living temple. For the Lord Who holds all things in His hand made His dwelling in thy womb; He hallowed and He glorified thee, teaching all to cry to thee:

Rejoice! Tabernacle of God the Word:
Rejoice! Greater Holy of Holies.
Rejoice! Ark made golden by the Spirit:
Rejoice! Never-empty treasure-house of life.
Rejoice! Precious crown of Orthodox kings:
Rejoice! Honored boast of Godly priests.
Rejoice! Unshaken fortress of the Church:
Rejoice! Unconquered rampart of the Kingdom.
Rejoice! For through thee the standards of victory are raised on High:
Rejoice! For through thee our enemies are cast down.
Rejoice! Healing of my body:
Rejoice! Salvation of my soul.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion 13

O Mother worthy of all praise, who hast borne the Word, the Holiest of all Holies:
O Mother worthy of all praise, who hast borne the Word, the Holiest of all Holies:
O Mother worthy of all praise, who hast borne the Word, the Holiest of all Holies:
accepting this our offering, deliver from every ill and from the punishment to come all those who cry aloud to thee: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ikos 13

A Prince of the Angels was sent from Heaven to say to the Theotokos, Rejoice! And seeing Thee, O Lord, take bodily form at the sound of his bodiless voice, filled with amazement he stood still and cried aloud to her:

Rejoice! For through thee joy shall shine forth:
Rejoice! For through thee the curse shall cease.
Rejoice! Recalling of fallen Adam:
Rejoice! Deliverance from the tears of Eve.
Rejoice! Height hard to climb for the thoughts of men:
Rejoice! Depth hard to scan even for the eyes of Angels.
Rejoice! For thou art the throne of the King:
Rejoice! For thou holdest Him Who upholds all.
Rejoice! Star causing the Sun to shine:
Rejoice! Womb of the Divine Incarnation.
Rejoice! For through thee the creation is made new:
Rejoice! For through thee the Creator becomes a newborn Child.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

Kontakion to the Mother of God

O Victorious Leader of Triumphant Hosts! We Thy servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to thee, O Theotokos! As thou possessest invincible might, set us free from every calamity so that we may sing: Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!